Contact us if you have questions not answered here and we will do our best to answer.
+ which can be adapted to any service , attendance or trade based business
+ with an add-on online store it can also automate product based businesses
+ being completely customisable, every page is yours to recreate
+ with 20+ years of Research into Security Process Management
+ as a complete turnkey, ready to run automation system
+ that ensures compliance 24/7and removes errors
+ which can double sales while halving costs tomorrow
+ boasting 100% up time with redundancy built in
Since then we have made over 130 improvements and additions to our initial offering
as each of our subscribers come up with new ideas.
The code has been written by the business owner or by staff under his supervision, the website has changed, grown and devloped over the years. meaning it can still grow and adapt to perfectly suit YOUR NEEDS. Its like you have a team of codewriters working just for you, but you have a headstart on 10,000 man hours spent already designing an automation service around your business.
Web Development SPECIFIC TO YOU is just $170 per hour, for that low fee, your exclusive code will be written by Australian developers working at ICSR.
It may sound too good to be true, but you really can take any part of your business not already automated by the ICSR system and put it on a mobile app-like page for field workers to gather data and a desktop page to analyse and use that data.
Let's pretend you are a document destruction company:-
The website was originally designed for a group of security companies, their clients, staff and contractors.
Many of the systems will be ready for you, but some may go unused while others may need tailoring or adding.
If the recruitment forms don't need first aid certificate for example, we simply take them out.
If there is an entire area of service delivery needing to be added, then we add it.
Let's assume the current system of customer bookings both regular and ad hoc applies, jobs are still assigned to vehicles and to either staff or contractors.
The staff will perform vehicle checks and logon, so these and many more functions, like HR and payroll will be covered.
Let's assume though, you would like a form to capture the servicing of a destruction machine, complete with instructions, stats and results. You simply click the Web Development Request and upload a picture of your current paper or computer form (or your idea for a new one). By tomorrow, your service personnel can test your new, tailored mobile page on their own devices in the field and another page to report on these records.
This kind of automation puts a business in great position to gain and retain Quality Assurance, Safety and Environmental certification. Ask us how we can help your organisation get the ticks.
Click on the below for more details on each area of automation currently offered.
Below is an screenshot of a timesheet page which sends one or all records to MYOB for one touch payroll and invoicing.
You may notice the links to filter and add shifts, switch to calendar view, export to excel
Exceptions like late or early sign ons, appear in red and produce a bell to be approved or adjusted by Management.
From here you can view the job details, including log books or field reports, Incidents, parts used etc
No need to spend management hrs on finding staff and filling shifts, the system finds suitable, trained and available staff for any shift and sends out automated sms. The system then checks for and receives replies and escalates according to your timeframes. Staff simply sms back to confirm. Their photo and details instantly appear next to the shift.
• Customer Visit Reports
• Client Feedback
• Sales Reports
• Patrol Reports
• Cash in Transit Reports
• Cash Processing Reports
• Risk Assessment Reports
• OHS Reports
• Incident Reports
• Probationary Reports
• Profit and Loss Reports
• Staff Meetings
Your clients will love how they can manage every aspect of your security services including:
• access to risk assessments, contracts and all documents associated with account
• Change password
• Add, change, cancel bookings
• Check History of invoicing and service
• See who’s coming
• Update Account details
• 24 hour chat button.
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